zaterdag 31 mei 2014

Weekend files

Hello Belles,

I hope you are doing fine!

What did you do this week?

I had a few days off and really enjoyed the free time.

Wednesday I went to my mother for her birthday and to see her lovely new dog.

The rest of the days I did not do anything special. Today I went to Fighters fit, a training especially for maintaining your fysical condition.

This week I bought the Supertrash dress for the WK. I am not a real 'sucker for soccer' but I do like a nice dress ;-).

Are you ready for the WK?

I am ready for the WK with my Supertrash orange dress.

woensdag 28 mei 2014

Schwarzkopf Essence Ultime hairmask

I bought this lovely hair mask a while ago and I immediately loved it!

The mask makes my hair feel soft again. You don't need to apply a lot of it to make it work.

You have to leave it for 1 minute and then rinse it out.

This hair product line (Essence Ultime) has been developed by Schwarzkop together with topmodel Claudia Schiffer. 

donderdag 22 mei 2014

Work out!

Want to get ready for the summer?

I found a very nice work out channel on You tube.

The exercises are not to difficult and easy to do at home.

Important things for working out:

  • If necessary check with your doctor which exercises you can do or shouldn't do
  • Have fun
  • Have discipline, try to work out  about 20 minutes every 2 days or every day even.

  • Take pictures to see your progress along the way
  • Take water and a bit of rest between the exercises
  • The moment you think you can't no more, continue!

Enjoy and good luck!


maandag 19 mei 2014

Weekend files

Hello Belles,

I hope you are well!

Did you enjoy your weekend ? Or maybe you had to work and your weekend starts tomorrow?

Yesterday I went to a make up workshop with a colleague. It was very nice although we did not learn many tips and trics. 

The fun thing was that she used Oriflame products. I am addicted Oriflame beauty member and always become greedy by seeing those brochures.

The workshop did inspire me to build up more my Oriflame business. For a while I noticed I really love beauty products and really would love to do more with this passion. 

I do have some ideas and thinking them through.

Have you ever heard of Oriflame before?

The tabel in the saloon where the workshop took place

donderdag 15 mei 2014

Roy Donders

Hello Belles,

I hope you are well.

What series/ tv shows do you like to watch?

At the moment  I love to watch; 'Roy Donders, stylist van het zuiden'

(Roy Donders, the stylist from the south)

Roy Donders is a young men, in his twenties who designs home suits. At first he held home parties to sell his home suits next to his own store. But in the 2nd season he decided to quit with the home parties. The people only want to get a picture of him but don't buy the home suits. 

In the reality show we follow Roy and his family in all his adventures of starting his business.
His sister Rian also has a store, for kids clothing.

Roy Donders in front of his store Rojami

The models show are wearing the home suits of Roy Donders.

woensdag 14 mei 2014

Interior inspiration 14th of May

Need some inspiration for your interior ?

Maybe you want to make rigorous changes or just small changes.
With this post on Wednesdays I hope to give a bit of inspiration.

I made the Polyvore collage the 13th of May.

Image : Collage via

dinsdag 13 mei 2014

Weekend files

The past days, my boyfriend and I have enjoyed a lovely weekend away in a wellness resort.
We enjoyed sauna's, pools, and lovely massage.

But of course we enjoyed the food and the very nice big hotel room.

zondag 11 mei 2014

Summer inspiration

Hello Belles,

Are you also waiting for the summer to come?

Here it's raining cats and dogs, so let'ts hope that will  be better in a few months.

Do you have any holiday plans?

zaterdag 10 mei 2014

Sporty Belles

Hello Belles!

Don't know what to do this weekend?

Why not do some sports first and after that grab a healthy snack or lunch even ?

donderdag 8 mei 2014

Let it rain!

Hello Belles,

I don´t know what kind of weather you have in your country, but at the moment it rains here.

But with the very nice fashion for in the rain it really doesn´t matter!! 

Put on your rain coat and sing in the rain

Image via

woensdag 7 mei 2014

Wednesday, Interior day

Hello Belles,

Today it's Wednesday, Interior day!

Looking for inspiration at home and housekeeping?




dinsdag 6 mei 2014

Beauty wanna haves

I always like to want have things and save for those.

So I am going to save for the following ;-)

Profile name ; Mully

  • Naked 3 Palette
  • Michael kors nail polish
  • Glam glow mask
  • Ila lipstick
  • Dream Sun bronze powder
  • Pink make up brushes

Which beauty product would you like to save for?

Quote: Marilyn Monroe

Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.
Marilyn Monroe 1926-1962


Marilyn Monroe was an actress and singer, known as a sex symbol in the 50's.
Her real name was Norma Jean Mortenson.

maandag 5 mei 2014

5th of May

Hello Belles,

I hope you are doing great. I have had a busy day yesterday, celebrating my birthday with the families.

Today it is an important annual day in The Netherlands.

The 5th of May, the Netherlands got their freedom back.

Every year this is celebrated with music events in different cities.
Every 5 year (so that will be next year), it is a Bank Holiday. This year for many people (like myself) it is just a regular working day.

Enjoy your day and evening!

The signature of  (Memorial day 4th of May and Liberation day 5ht of May)

zaterdag 3 mei 2014

Review Concert Racoon

As promised I will tell you about the concert the 24th of April of Racoon.

It was a wonderful live concert! The band is known to be good as life performers.
And they definitely are! I really would like to go to a next concert!
I really enjoyed it. It's quite a short review, I am not music journalist. Just a lover of different kind of music. 

To me the concert was perfect!

Dennis Huige (Guitar)Paul Bukkens (drums)Bart van der Weide (singer), Stefan de Kroon (bass guitar)

Please find below some videos from Youtube from particular concert.

No Mercy

Shoes of lighting

Love you more

Weekend files

Hello Belles,

how are you?

I hope you are fine.

Today was a very nice day, we bought some plants and flowers for our tiny garden.
tomorrow we will have some family over to celebrate my birthday last Wednesday.

Enjoy the weekend ! 

vrijdag 2 mei 2014

Happy Friday

Dear Belles,

I hope you have had a good week! 

Mine was good, especially because I had a day off Wednesday.

Any plans for the weekend?

May be you can

Go see a movie
Have a pick nick
Go ride a horse
Enjoy a nice big walk in the beautiful nature

Friday inspiration- Fashion

Hello Belles,

I hope you are all well.
Looking for some inspiration for the weekend?
I hope the images below will help you!

Follow me on and  create awesome collages yourself!

Profilename: Mully